Accounting for Financial Instruments (PDF) - Mauricio Guevara Guzmán, Spanish 2018 Often, when talking about administration and finance, you think of a divorce between these, however, all areas that participate in an entity are involved in managing the resources. Therefore, the author of this work addresses issues related to the importance of having good management and control over resources, of aligning the economic environment with the Mexican financial system and of knowing its impact on the finances of an organization; Likewise, it analyzes, in a dynamic way, the financial statements and emphasizes that these not only serve as reports for external agents to the company, but are very necessary for its internal management, especially in decision-making, since they generate a great impact within the company. Thus, in this new edition, a chapter was incorporated that addresses the issue of predicting bankruptcy of an organization, which will help the reader to better understand it. If you want to purchase this product, please go to the "Learn More" section located at the bottom of this page.
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